Le programme
International workshop on student mental health
Faculté de Santé Saint-Antoine, Sorbonne Université (room 207)
13h45 Accueil des participants/ Participant welcome
14h-14h30: improving psychological well-being in university students: the campus project Michela Nose (Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Verona University)
14h30-15h:“Supra-individual dimensions of student suffering in higher education: notes on the Brazilian and French realities” Thaís Seltzer Goldstein (Psychologist and Professor at the Federal University of Bahia - Brazil / FACED-UFBA) -via Zoom-
15h -15h15: “Mental-Health and mental well-being among students at University of Ottawa: Challenges and solutions” Patrick Leclair (M.D.,Students Health Department, University of Ottawa, Ontario Canada) -via zoom-
15h15 -15h30:“Vulnerability factors related to various ethno-cultural and educational contexts” Chantal Hunda-Mutabesha (Certified Midwife Nurse, Students Health Department, Sorbonne University) -via Zoom-
15h30 -16h30 Panel discussion: Ways to improve student mental health and access to health care
“Neurodiversity and Psycho-affective vulnerability”Lise Abravanel (M.D., Students Health Department Sorbonne University Paris, France)
“Psychotherapy and Counselling students: a clinical experience” Émilie de Fos (Psychologist GHU/ Students Health Department Sorbonne University Paris, France)
“Specificities of psychiatric evaluation and mental healthcare for students: weaving links” Soraya Hugain (M.D., Psychiatrist, Students Health DepartmentSorbonne University and GHU Paris France)
Addressing mental health needs of students at IIT Delhi Yashpal Jordan(Associate Professor of Psychology IIT Delhi)
Students follow-up at Johns Hopkins University Pamela Surkan (Professor, International Health, Johns Hopkins University)
16h30 : Cocktail for meeting participants (Faculté de Santé, Sorbonne Université, 3rd floor)