
Clinical epidemiology, population epidemiology, pharmacoepidemiology, surveillance, cohort, social epidemiology

Presentation of the research field

Epidemiology - etymologically epi ("among") - demos ("people") - logos ("word") - is the scientific discipline that studies health problems in populations, their frequency, distribution and associated factors. The different types of epidemiology can be categorized as "descriptive", concerned with quantifying a health problem; "analytical" or "etiological", concerned with identifying the determinants and factors associated with these problems; and finally "evaluative" for the assessment of health interventions. Epidemiology can also be distinguished according to the groups studied: we speak of "population" epidemiology when the general population is studied - for example, to measure the frequency of a disease - or "clinical" epidemiology when the population studied is restricted to sick people - for example, to evaluate the effectiveness of a drug. It is also possible to classify according to the field of application which will require the use of specific methodologies in this field: epidemiology of infectious diseases, environmental epidemiology, genetic epidemiology, pharmaco-epidemiology, ....

All IPLESP teams are specialized in epidemiology and more specifically:

  •     SUMO: predictive epidemiology, mathematical epidemiology, epidemiology of infectious diseases, "One Health" epidemiology
  •     CLEPIVIRE: clinical epidemiology, epidemiology of infectious diseases
  •     THERAVIR: clinical epidemiology, epidemiology of infectious diseases, "One Health
  •     NEMESIS: population epidemiology, environmental epidemiology, chronic disease epidemiology
  •     PEPITES: clinical epidemiology, epidemiology of chronic diseases, pharmaco-epidemiology, epidemiology in specific populations (elderly subjects)
  •     ERES: social epidemiology, epidemiology in specific populations (migrants, precarious), mental health epidemiology